Filipa Conde Lencastre (born in 1984), graduated from the Portuguese Catholic University, Porto Regional Center (Polo Foz) (2008), Member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 2013.
Completion of “ABITUR” on 04/05/2004 at Colégio Alemão do Porto
The preferred areas of practice are: Litigation, Labor Law, Civil Law and Family Law.
Integration in Antas da Cunha ECIJA as Of Counsel.
Completion of the Internship and Enrollment in the Bar Association.
Integration at Lencastre Advogados as a lawyer.
Course in Labor Procedural Law, at the Training Center of the Bar Association, district of Porto.
Course in Commercial Company Law, at the Training Center of the Bar Association, district of Porto.
Insolvency Law Course, at the Bar Association Training Center, district of Porto.
Completion of the Degree by the Portuguese Catholic University - Porto Regional Center.
Integration at Lencastre Advogados, as Trainee Lawyer.
Completion of Abitur at Colégio Alemão do Porto.
* Chamadas sem custos adicionais, sujeito apenas à tarifa de base.