Cristina Sancho dos Santos (born 1974), graduated from Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique (1997), Member of the Portuguese Bar Association since 1999.
Cristina did an internship with Dr. Carlos Gonçalves, where she remained as a lawyer until 2001, when she joined Lencastre Advogados.
Its activity is focused on the area of litigation, in the area of credit recovery, conducting various legal proceedings, in particular injunctions, pepex, executive actions and insolvency proceedings.
Integration in Antas da Cunha ECIJA
Integration in Lencastre Advogados
Enrollment in the Bar Association.
Collaboration in the office of Dr. Carlos Gonçalves.
Completion of the degree from Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, in Porto.
* Chamadas sem custos adicionais, sujeito apenas à tarifa de base.